The Inspiration Behind Hope In The One

At 3 months old I knew something was off with Audree. These episodes she was having turned out to be seizures, caused by a rare brain disease, Hemimegalencephaly. We were stunned. At 10 months old, our family put our hope in a Neurosurgeon to perform a surgery that would give our daughter a chance at a seizure-free life by removing the left hemisphere of her brain. We had no idea that one could live with only half of a brain. This rare brain disease affects one in one million. My husband and I were reaching out and trying to find others who had walked our path before, looking for hope for a future for our girl. Through this time, we put our hope in one hemisphere to give Audree a quality life… and we put our Hope In The One who created her. We continue to lean into our faith and hope to carry us through the complex medical issues she faces and the seizures she continues to endure.

The idea for this site evolved when we were looking for hope from others who had gone through what we were going through. We wanted to create a space where people could share their story to bring comfort and hope to someone going through a similar experience, and also to be a landing place for someone to find hope when all feels lost. We hope to fill this space with thousands of stories so people who are weary can find rest and hope. 

Everyone has a story, and yours could bring hope to others. Share it here! 

Audree and Lauren